(EN) data.gouv.fr graphic redesign

Published the 7 juillet 2021

Data.gouv.fr’ spring is coming down to an end with the publication of the platform’s graphic redesign. In an iterative process, it will be continuously improved throughout the summer thanks to the community’s feedback.

Why a graphic redesign?

Modernise the image of data.gouv.fr

The graphic redesign of data.gouv.fr aims first and foremost to change and modernize the platform’s image to meet the expectations of users, whether they are long-time users or newcomers.

Being more agile

It is also a question of gaining agility on issues of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). In this sense, an important work consisted in preparing the code of udata. It was necessary and healthy to reduce the technical debt to start again on better bases. The reduction of this debt should allow us to be more agile and to respond more quickly to the problems encountered by users.

A new way of working on the product

The challenge is also for us to initiate a new way of working on the platform, one that is more attentive to the friction points and needs related to open data. The developments of data.gouv.fr are done in application of the principles of agile development and a user-centric product approach. Developments are prioritised and adjusted based on direct feedback from users.

What is the scope?

The redesign is meant to be iso-functional, i.e., it does not concern the functionalities of data.gouv.fr but its graphic aspect. Moreover, the back-office components of the platform are not concerned at this stage.

Nevertheless, during the iterations, some choices have been made to make the platform evolve. For example, some features are more prominent while others are now less visible. All these choices will, of course, have to be confronted with user feedback.

In the same way, in order to deliver the new version of the platform as soon as possible, some features are not yet available in the beta version.

What are the next steps?

As previously mentioned, the platform’s graphic redesign is accompanied by a new way of working for the team.

  • On one hand, we are continuously organising user tests by getting in touch with various users. On the other hand, we will regularly put online surveys open to all visitors to measure the effectiveness of the platform. All this feedback will allow us to prioritise the platform’s evolution. Of course, it is also possible to send us feedback or proposals via support.data.gouv.fr or directly on Github.
  • Moreover, we plan to organise a public demo every month to showcase our progress. We will communicate in the coming weeks about the upcoming deadlines.

The previous version of the platform will still be available for a while so that the change is not too radical.

We hope you are as excited as we are!